3 works for 3 mothers #3 / dana, 2023

acrylic and soft pastel on canvas

30” x 30”

My paths collided with Dana through my partner- I have only known her a little for over a year but she is my Virgo twin and has received me into her fold of family with love. Dana is a dreamer, in knowing her, I know how much she worked so hard to reach a position of stability while solely providing for two children. Dana cares deeply and intensely- in true Virgo fashion but she cares- She cares about Black folks and the advancement of folks in her immediate community and beyond. As a world traveler, Her perspectives are always fresh yet different and always leave you in a moment of pause. 

I placed 9 cowries in front of her eyes- 9 is a powerful number of completion, a new cycle in the ebb and flow of the universe. Dana holds the energy of 9, the one that exists meaningfully and consciously, one that has lived and learned. I see this completion and advancement in the ways she cares for my partner, Kehinde, unconditionally. It has been beautiful to see that relationship flourish and bloom over the past year. The cowries also represent abundance in all its multiplicities, variations, and forms that she forever extends to us and everyone around her-

Dana has taught me resilience, to stand for what you believe in always, and always show up for those whom you love. I am FOREVER grateful to know her!